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When your healthcare client decides to sponsor the city's bike share program, its inevitable they'll want the association between bicycling and health front and center. BUT when that same healthcare company is looking to represent more than healthcare to its constituents, it's the perfect opportunity to start shifting perception. 


With over 20 Million mentions of #healthyliving on social media over a 90 day period, the last thing people needed to hear was another company telling them to live healthy. 

Instead, what if we looked at this through a modern lifestyle lens and reframed the reasons to ride as a choice that lifts your spirits and feels like one more way you can embrace and enjoy your city?  It's called The BLUEbikes Effect

Shop: Allen & Gerritsen

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Medicare is ridiculously complicated, and for the most part, insurers aren't making it any easier. With the bombardment of direct mailings, copy that is either too confusing or not informative enough, and lets not forget about the constant flux of government regulation. It's enough to drive people to the "F#@k it!" moment, where they go with whatever looks best.   


When it comes down to it, people will make their decision based on:

  • Taking their best guess

  • Having someone else handle it (family member, broker)

  • Trusting a third party (AARP, Doctor) 

  • Choosing a provider first (our opportunity)


Something I heard over and over again in my research was "I just want someone to tell me what to do." So that's exactly what we did. By simplifying the message and highlighting the client's unrivaled expertise in the category, we gave peace of mind to medicare recipients. As a result, total call volume across all channels increased 57% over the prior year.  

Shop: Allen & Gerritsen

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